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6800 Market St. 3rd Floor Upper Darby, PA 19082

Denise G.

I often think how fortunate I was to have such a great place for my children to spend their time while I was at work. It’s comforting knowing that your children are being well cared for by people who have the same values, hopes, and dreams that I have. The daycare providers at Darlene’s Wee Care 4 Kids are teachers, nurses, counselors, and much much more. The experience that both my children had was always a positive one. From my daughter who attended Darlene’s Wee Care 4 Kids 10 years ago to my son who attended more recently. I would like to thank the entire staff for their patience and determination in giving my children a great head start.


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Darlene's Wee Care 4 Kids daycare is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate regarding race, color, religious creed, disability, ancestry, national origin, age, or sex in admission and employment. ©Darlene's Wee Care 4 Kids 2025 All rights reserved. Site by Boathouse Website Design