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Daycare Upper Darby




Have you ever watched a child finger paint on a sheet of paper with both hands? Or have you observed a kid coloring in bountiful circles with crayons? If yes, then you have seen the joyful expressions on their faces. You’ve witnessed creative art in process!


Most of us recognize that art is important for our children because we’ve seen our children deeply involved in art. Not only does art aid in developing the right side of the brain, it also fosters important skills that benefit a child’s development. Art can become a crucial mode of uninhibited self-expression and astonishment for a child.


That’s why we, at Darlene’s Wee Care 4 Kids daycare, sponsored a Sip & Paint Event on Thursday, August 12, 2021. Marriya Mobley, from Expressive Illustrations Inc., took the lead. Following her inspiration, the kids took blank canvases and transformed them into beautiful pieces of art. It was incredible to see how excited the kids got when they experienced the fun of painting while sipping on a refreshing kid-appropriate drink.


Paint and Sip


Why a Sip & Paint?

Because creating art increases a child’s ability to interact with the world around them and offers a new set of skills for self-expression and communication. Here are four life skills our children can develop through art.


  • Communication Skills: When a child paints, they are communicating visually. Art goes beyond oral language to communicate feelings that might not otherwise be expressed. Creating art permits children to work through feelings and emotions.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: When kids delve into art ideas, they are testing options and working through challenges just like a scientist who experiments and then finds solutions. Art allows children to make their own assessments, while also training them that a problem may have more than one answer. Rather than being told what to do, answers and directions come from the child. Even when learning how to use art materials effectively, children are solving challenges and coming up with new ways to handle unanticipated outcomes. 
  • Fine Motor Skills: Holding a paintbrush so that it will make the desired marks or drawing with a crayon can help develop a child’s fine motor skills. 

Painting fine motor skills

  • Social & Emotional Skills: Art aids children in coming to terms with themselves and the control they have over their efforts. Through art, they also practice sharing and taking turns, as well as appreciating one another’s efforts. Art nurtures positive mental health by allowing a child to show individuality as well as success and accomplishment, all part of a positive self-concept. 

Painting with confidence

Future Picassos?

Through exposure to the elements of art (line, space, color, etc.), our little artists expressed their individuality with visual narratives that showed their unique style and voice.



At Darlene’s Wee Care 4 Kids, we encourage creative voice. Are they future Picassos? Maybe, or maybe not. You be the judge. Regardless, how pleasurable to see the unique artwork of each child, even though this was a guided painting class. Thank you, Marriya Mobley, for your leadership and inspiration.



Children are filled with joy and wonder. Their imagination is limitless. That’s why we held a Sip & Paint Event, to get the most out of them. With a bit of direction and motivation, our kids can achieve anything they want. Art is the perfect tool to help channel their energy and efforts towards something that can help build character. We had a blast with sip and paint! The kids have been asking when they can do it again!


Art Class


“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”—Pablo Picasso

Special thanks to… 

  • Ms. April, Ms. Danita, Ms. Dayona, and the rest of the hardworking teachers that contributed to the smooth functioning of the event.
  • Ms. Dayona, for taking the pictures.
  • Sandra Hicks, our Event Planner, for planning and organizing all the logistics for this event.

By Derik Hicks



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Darlene's Wee Care 4 Kids daycare is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate regarding race, color, religious creed, disability, ancestry, national origin, age, or sex in admission and employment. ©Darlene's Wee Care 4 Kids 2025 All rights reserved. Site by Boathouse Website Design